Welcome to my cringey site.
i play a lot of drednot.io
Most recent stuff
Little story of how I got to know C(++).
I started coding in C++ for a school project. We didn't utilize the ++ part; it was basically a C text adventure, but hey, C++!
Before that project, I had only coded in Scratch, so I didn't know anything about coding using the keyboard. I did however know how I could change letters on a HTML page and look like a l33t h4xx0r 01011001 by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + I. I actually got blamed by the kids in my class for "hacking the computer" when a school computer monitor cable wasn't plugged in correctly and the screen was blue.
The text adventure itself wasn't really worth anything, it was guesswork to play the game. "You spawned in a corridor! Where'd you like to die? left right, or forward" and one of those wouldn't kill you without reason. The story itself got pulled out of my ass, the main antagonist who doesn't really do anything was based on a friend of mine that was (is, actually) really tiny for his age.
Anyways, after the project was over, we got a 60% on it. The teacher that graded the exam clearly didn't know much about programming and complained we spent too much time making the program and not researching C++, which I think was bullshit. Come on, we learnt a programming language when we were 12! Thank god one of our members didn't do shit, so me and my friend got slightly higher grades while he still got a 50%. When it was time to present it, we got mostly positive reactions from the other parents. The other kid that did something made Tic-Tac-Toe with an input system that worked but did nothing more. I felt like that was one of the projects that taught me something actually useful. Source code for the text adventure and Tic-Tac-Toe is here, but before you kill me and take my organs for the horrible code: it was written by 12 year old me and a friend of mine.
In around July 2023, I started following C++ tutorials by 3DSage to make a raycaster. It worked out decently, other than that it had a horrible bug which I coined "the toothpaste bug" that I couldn't fix, I still have no clue. After a way too short amount of time, I decided to move on and give up on C++. Around this point in time, I also became interested in installing Linux on my poor, misused and beat-up chromebook, because on Windows you couldn't possibly compile code without 8293642318756 linking errors, it seems.
Mandelbrot Set Explorer
My first hobby project that wasn't copied from a tutorial or something was a mandelbrot set explorer, you can find more about it here. It's really simple to make one yourself, and is actually an amazing learning project. I spent like 3 months total on it, and I am pretty happy with how it turned out considering that I had zero actual C++ experience, except for that scuffed if-else-else-else-else text adventure thing. It isn't release ready at all, and I'd use Xaos instead. My fractal thing does have some cool fractals I don't think are documented anywhere else. The rendering process also isn't efficient at all, it's done 100% on the CPU. I might rewrite it someday in modern OpenGL using GPU shaders instead, trading accuracy for performance. But yeah, fun project, worth it!
Schwarzschild Black Hole Renderer
This project was made while writing the Mandelbrot set explorer, as a side project. It uses the exact same way of renderering: no GPU acceleration, and shit performance. I copied the majority of the code from a Scratch project called "Gravity Raycaster" by Zerofile, because that's basically what it is. It's just a raytracer that keeps gravity in mind, with a black round thing in the middle and a disk around it. I made some small adjustments to the coloring and code for minor performance benefits and added moving, although strafing doens't work for some reason. This project was fun to work on.
An unnamed WIP project
Once upon a time I stumbled down another programming rabbit hole, the modern OpenGL rabbithole. I started out following someone's tutorial about using GLAD + SDL2 and in around 4 hours I got myself a triangle! I wanted to continue but sadly the tutorial didn't continue on for long. I found another place where I could learn this dark art: Learn OpenGL. Now I've been kind-of following along loosely, skipping some chapters, doing an intermezzo of wasting my time trying stupid stuff, you know the rhyme.
I lost some motivation, but have some plans I probably won't or can't realise. My end goal of this project is to create a game-ish thing people can play, much like Quake. When I finished the Learn OpenGL course I'll try to add a saving system, a level editor, and stuff I'm going to figure out later. I have one goal, to make the game fun to play. It doesn't have to look good, it has to feel good as well. But yeah, modern OpenGL is weird, hard, random, and probably going to be defeated by Vulkan very soon. I am not at all convinced I can finish this massive project without losing motivation (i already have), or dying in the process.
update: that project isn't happening anymore lmao, now working on deep space starships, name stolen from deep space airships.
copyleft go steal it or something